Proposal Background
You can find the background of our campaign, the problem, an analysis of the undervaluation factors of POSCO Holdings, and 6 proposals to enhance shareholder value.
Due to climate risks, POSCO Holdings' profitability is expected to suffer a decline.
- While POSCO has taken proactive steps to promote the development and commercialization of hydrogen reduction steelmaking technology and secure sustainable supply chains for green hydrogen and secondary batteries following the launch of its holding company last year, its low ESG competitiveness is causing the company to be undervalued relative to global competitors already producing green steel.
- Clients from supply chains and investors increasingly demand better ESG management and the number of environmental shareholder proposals rises. POSCO Group's response will be critical to maintaining its external reputation…
- …POSCO Holdings' low ESG competitiveness can be attributed, in part, to the company's 2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target, which is not in line with the global standard (the Paris Agreement goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius) and is less ambitious than that of its competitors.
A review of publicly available data has revealed four areas of concern below.
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